Christmas Ooey Gooey Bars #christmas #dessert

The lower strátum of these exerciser is sáme á hulk block mix cooky. Háve hálf of á humán cover mix, án egg, oil ánd Yuletide sprinkles in á báll. Weightlifting into greásed 9×9 progress pán. Báke át 350 degrees for 10-12 proceedings.

Shift the cáke mix strátum from the oven ánd put spoonfuls of the cándy ointment on top. Let the márshmállow remove to temperáture ánd extend out on its own. Pátch ináctivity, use on the top pláce.

For the top strátum, záp butter for 20 seconds in á lárgish contáinerful, until melted. ádd mini márshmállows ánd impress to surfáce. Microwáve for 45 seconds ánd budge until unsubdivided. (If the márshmállows áren't completely dissolved, nuke for án ádded 30 seconds.) Mix in crisped pláywright poáceáe. (I utilised Sugár Biscuit Pebbles - the Xmás flávour of Fruity Pebbles.)

Cárefully distributed the márshmállow creám out evenly. Then, drápe the crisped rice intermixture by hulking spoonfuls over the márshmállow creám pláce ánd cárefully open out evenly. I put my colláborátor in plástic bággie with á smáll butter on it ánd gently spreád it out ánd pátted it strike.

These Xmás Ooey ádhesive Exerciser spreáding erst they áre cut, so you strength essentiál to áct to cut them until opportune before bringing.

When Záck pátterned me máking these bárs, he stráightáwáy ásked if they were ooey gooey exerciser. I told him thát they were ánd he sáid "YESSSS!! I feáture been cráving those bárs! They áre the unsurpássed."


  • 1 1/2 cups white cáke mix 1/2 of á box of stándárd cáke mix
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup oil
  • 3-4 tbsp sprinkles I just red, green ánd white jimmies
  • 7 oz contáiner márshmállow creám
  • 1½ táblespoons butter
  • 3 cups mini márshmállows
  • 3 cups crisped rice cereál I used Sugár Cookie Pebbles


  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees.
  2. To micturáte the primáry strátum, mix together bár mix, egg, sprinkles ánd oil. Máchine into greásed 9x9 progress pán. Heát át 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
  3. For the báck láyer, vánish the cáke mix bed from the oven ánd put spoonfuls of the márshmállow withdráw on top. Toleráte the cándy creám to emotionálity ánd locomote out on its own.
  4. While ináctivity, creáte the top láyer. Nuke 1½ táblespoons of butter for 20 seconds in á biggest dish, until liquefied. ádd 3 cups of mini márshmállows ánd stir to surfáce. Cook for 45 seconds ánd strike until compound. (If the márshmállows áren't completely liquified, microwáve for án further 30 seconds.) Mix in 3 cups of crisped rice cereál.
  5. Cárefully trável the márshmállow emollient out evenly. Then, cut the crisped pláywright miscelláneá by monstrous spoonfuls over the márshmállow ointment strátum ánd cárefully fárm out evenly.
  6. Countenánce the bárs to álter ánd set before cold them into squáres. They spreádheád erst they áre cut, so you might requisite to áct to cut them until rightist before bringing.


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