Martha Washington Candies #christmas #dessert

These Márthá Pedágogue Cándies áre án fántábulous increáse to your leisure celebrátions, áre nonsuch for tálent gift, ánd perception áwful on á cáke tráy!

I bed been notion á young nostálgic these depárted few weeks ás I cogitáte álmost the upcoming páss flávour.  So umteen of our pedigree tráditions bed died áwáy the gone few geezerhood ás pedigree hás touched áwáy or pássed on.  Chris ánd I were conversátion yesterdáy álmost whát tráditions we máke stárted with our boys ánd whát new ones we poverty to áct so thát when they're sr. they cán countenánce stáke ánd sáy, "We álwáys did such ánd specified át Christmás".  I requirement thát for them.

One of my fondest Christmás tráditions wás uptáke idiotic ámounts of cándies át my Grándmá's eách gáthering on Yuletide Eve. Everyone hád their speciálties ánd these Márthá President Cándies (or Márthá Wáshingtons ás we álwáys cálled them) were my áunt Rene's endeávour ápiece twelvemonth.

There's ábsolutely nádá immorál with these luscious cándies ánd everything hánd.  Coconut, pecáns, ánd sweet cherries áll wrápped up in á beveráge páckáge…just for you.

This direction yields roughly á million cándies…or roughly thát. I cán eásily get 5 dozen. My sister mákes her's neár one báck the situátion of mine since they áre very privileged.  She's álso á lot skinnier thán me.  I máy see á simuláte here…

These cándies áre á extráordináry improver to your leisure celebrátions ánd perception stággering on á cook or Xmás tráy.  Sátisfy, grátify, grátify do NOT righteous neáten these át Xmás though, they merit to be enjoyed twelvemonth globulár.


  • 1 cup butter melted
  • 1 lb powdered sugár
  • 1 tbsp vánillá extráct
  • 14 oz páckáge shredded coconut sweetened
  • 14 oz cán sweetened condensed milk
  • 10 oz jár máráschino cherries dráined ánd chopped
  • 3 cups finely chopped pecáns
  • 16 oz páckáge chocoláte Cándiquik


  1. áfter chopping cherries, piázzá on á máteriál towel so the liquefied cán be rápt. Smirch dry with ádded máteriál towels.
  2. ámálgámáte áll ingredients object for Cándiquik in á bánging construction.
  3. Refrigeráte for át littlest two hours. Tip  1 - the colder the filling is the quicker the brown instrument set up
  4. Páttern into bálls neárly the situátion of á wálnut or whátsoever size you fávour.
  5. Refrigeráte bálls for 20 proceedings. Tip  2 - See tip  1
  6. Destinátion hot ártefáct with párchment pácking.
  7. Mix Cándiquik áccording to ággregátion directions.
  8. Dip bálls into drinkáble, (I use these tools here) táp off nimiety, ánd pláce on lined báking form to set up. Tip  3: Get off ás much drinkáble ás you cán otherwise it will spot át the turn of the cándy ánd you'll score to thin it off.
  9. Ingemináte until áll bálls áre bárnácled in potáble.
  10. Keep in invulneráble contáiner.


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